martes, 13 de mayo de 2014


Her: —I guess when you're young... you just believe there'll be many people with whom you'll connect. Later in life you realize it only happens a few times.
Him: —Yeah, you can screw it up! You know, misconnect...
Her: —Well, the past is the past. It was meant to be that way.
Him: —What, you really believe that? That everything is fated?
Her: —Well, you know, the world might be less free than we think.
Him: —Yeah?
Her: —Yeah, when given this exact circumstances, that's what will happen every time. Two part hydrogen, one part oxygen, you'll get water every time.
Him: —No, no... no, I mean, what if your grandmother has lived a week longer, you know? Or passed away a week earlier, days even, you know (and you didn't miss our appointment). Things might have been different, I believe that!
Her: —No, you can't think like that.
Him: —I mean... I know you shouldn't on most things, but... it's just... on this one it seemed like something was off! You know, I mean... in the months leading up to my wedding, OK, I was thinking about you all the time. I mean, even on my way there.
I'm in the car and a buddy of mine is driving me downtown, and I'm staring out the window, and I think I see you -not far from the church, right- folding up an umbrella and walking into a deli on the corner of 13th and Broadway. And I thought I was going crazy, you know? But now I think it probably was you.
Her: —I lived on 11th and Broadway.
Him: —You see?

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